viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Listening, speaking, writing activity

Welcome Back to school by gsagri04This activity is for a second grade english class (7-8 years old). It is about parts of our body (head, shoulders, knees, toes, etc.).

In this video on Youtube, students have to imitate the movements of the song (all students stand up and watching the video). At the same time, students have to say the word related to the body part which are touching. Example: shoulders (they have to say the word and touch that part of the body).

The song is going to be repeated three times. The activity must be fun, like a game! Later, the professor will teach to the students the words that are going to be learned (head, shoulders, knees, toes, ears, mouth, eyes and nose). The teacher will teach the words like the song´s movements.

The next step would be to watch the video again (three times too).

Finally, the teacher will gave two worksheets to their students (a picture of a girl/boy). Students can choose the worksheet as a free will and have to fill in the words learned. They have to draw the worksheet too. 


1 comentario:

  1. I like your blog, it easy to read and to follow. The only thing I would change is the letters,in some exercises are too small.
    Regards Inma
