viernes, 14 de abril de 2017

Listening, speaking, writing activity

Welcome Back to school by gsagri04This activity is for a second grade english class (7-8 years old). It is about parts of our body (head, shoulders, knees, toes, etc.).

In this video on Youtube, students have to imitate the movements of the song (all students stand up and watching the video). At the same time, students have to say the word related to the body part which are touching. Example: shoulders (they have to say the word and touch that part of the body).

The song is going to be repeated three times. The activity must be fun, like a game! Later, the professor will teach to the students the words that are going to be learned (head, shoulders, knees, toes, ears, mouth, eyes and nose). The teacher will teach the words like the song´s movements.

The next step would be to watch the video again (three times too).

Finally, the teacher will gave two worksheets to their students (a picture of a girl/boy). Students can choose the worksheet as a free will and have to fill in the words learned. They have to draw the worksheet too. 


Reading, writing activity

This activity is for a fifth grade english class (10-11 years old).
Students have to change the following declarative clauses into interrogatives.
Five Kids Smiling Together by cyberscooty

1. Bell was looked on as a sweet-tempered young man.
2. I would rather we ate at home.
3. I ought to let your parents know we are here.

4. Children used to play in the garden.
5. I had to have someone to show me the way to the station.
6. He needs to study more at home.
7. You should have met him before.

8. I am having some people in after dinner tonight at my place.

9. She had eaten nothing since the picnic.

10. We are going to have a jolly family evening.

Blackboard by Almeidah

1. Was Bell looked on as a sweet-tempered young man? 
2. Would I rather we ate at home? 
3. Ought I to let your parents know we are here? 
4. Did children use to play in the garden? 
5. Had I have someone to show me the way to the station? 
6. Does he need to study more at home?  
7. Should you have met him before? 
8. Am I having some people in after dinner tonight at my place? 
9. Had she eaten nothing since the picnic?  
10. Are we going to have a jolly family evening?


Reading, writing, grammar and speaking acitivity

This activity is designed for a fourth grade class level (9-10 years old). There are 24 students in the classroom, one of them is a special needs student. Their mother tongue is Spanish and we can find four different nationalities: Spanish, Moroccan, Russian and Peruvian. The school is located in the city of Madrid. The length of this activity is one hour time.

School backpack by Ilex
The objectives are make students to meet and interact each other and create a good atmosphere in the classroom.
The students will work in pairs, in groups of four and individually.
The materials are papers, coloured pencils, erasers, computer (with an Internet connection) and a digital board.

We will start singing a song from the Internet (Youtube). It is a song to know the family members (“I`ve got a mother”, “I`ve got a father, etc.). It´s perfect as an ice-breaker activity and the students will be able to say some sentences of the song. We will listen to the song twice.

Comic Boy Oli at School by frankesThe students will work in pairs and they will have to say each other the members of their family (for example: “I`ve got two brothers”, “I`ve got a grandmother”). Students can ask questions about family or others things (“Do you have a pet in your house?”). Also, students can say other things related to their family (“I like to play football with my father”, etc.).
Later, as a individual work, they will have to write a simple composition about their family and they will draw a picture of their own family.
When all students have finished, they will have to read the composition to the rest of the class.

albert by sammo241 
Next step is students will have to write one sentence about how English can improve their lives in their future. All sentences must start with the same structure (“If I know to speak English I can...”). The teacher will say some examples about it (“... I can meet other countries”, “...I can meet other people”, etc.).
When all students have finished, in groups of four, they will have to read their sentences to each other.
Finally, each student will write his/her sentence in a piece of paper and stick it on a poster that will be displayed in one of the walls of the classroom.

English song:

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Reading, writing activity

This activity is for a fourth grade english class (10-11 years old).

Students have to read the text about the solar system and fill the gaps in.
school days by sammo241

You can see the activity on this link: 

This activity was created by  Hot Potatoes (Jcloze).


martes, 11 de abril de 2017

Writing activity

This activity is for a second grade english classroom (7-8 years old).
Good Result by marlinsons
Students have to find which animals are in the criss-cross. They have a clue about each animal (and their silhouette, too).

Print the criss-cross and use it in your classroom. It is fun!

Giraffe contour by nicubunu

Rhinoceros Silhouette by GDJ
Zebra Silhouette by GDJ

Thai Elephant by aungkarns
Lion Outline by uroesch
monkey silhouette by johnny_automaticCheetah contour by nicubunu 

This activity was created by Puzzlemaker:


domingo, 9 de abril de 2017


Welcome to my blog!

Education by Minduka
Here, you can find several activities for an English class (speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar). 

Resultado de imagen de english is fun for kids

The material is for Primary Education (6-12 years old).
I hope you like it.
